Honor Council

Honor Council Committee Chair: Bernie Hambrice

The Honor Council Program annually recognizes local, student and special interest councils that organize and conduct well-rounded programs serving the council members, the community, the state/provincial council, and the International Literacy Association. Councils are being recognized for accomplishments of the previous year.

In order to qualify for Honor Council status, the council must be in good standing according to ILA Bylaws. Specifically, the council must demonstrate that (a) all reported council officers are members of the International Literacy Association, and (b) at least 10 council members are also members of the International Literacy Association. Council officers for the year may be counted in this total.

Below are the documents required for obtaining Honor Council for LRA. Please read all documents carefully before completion. In addition, a slideshow is provided for you to use for your local council.

LRA Honor Council Forms & Guidelines

LRA Honor Council Presentation