Membership Committee Chair: Bernie Hambrice
*Membership Contest*
LRA Membership benefits include the following:
- participation in exceptional professional development at the local, state, & international levels
- affiliation with outstanding literacy professionals
- monthly newsletters & teacher tips
- reduced costs for LRA conferences
- opportunities for LRA scholarships, awards, & mini-grants
- participation in activities such as Young Authors & Educators as Authors
- legislative lobbying at the state & national levels
- family, community, & international literacy projects
Interested parties have two convenient options to obtain membership in the Louisiana Reading Association.
- Register online using our convenient online form.
- Download, complete, & mail the form below to the LRA Treasurer.
LRA Membership Form
Locate your local LRA council.
Join or renew your membership with International Literacy Association.
Contact Membership Director Bernie Hambrice for more information at